What I’ve learnt in the last year
This time a year ago was the first weekend of my yoga teacher training course, it was also the first weekend we spent in full lockdown. Instead of getting together in person in a yoga studio in central London we were zooming in from our respective homes, feeling anxious about technology as well as the start of a new course. I was worried about how we’d be able to learn to teach in this way and like many of us at the time, couldn’t really get a sense of what the future holds or even the current path.
Tomorrow will be my final assessed class teaching, which I couldn’t imagine a year ago. We’re encouraged to start teaching early on in our training so I’ve been finding my feet - quite literally - whilst also getting used to our new way of working.
What I’ve found is that the training weekends have been my anchor for most of the year. Although most of us have only met face to face once, my fellow student teachers and I have become each other's support team, with understanding and encouragement that comes from a shared experience.
Tomorrow I’ll be assessed teaching two private students who took a chance on me as a student teacher and have been on this journey with me. I’ve learnt from them as much as I’ve been teaching them.
It’s also been hard, I’ve had some knockbacks this year, and it’s hard to see a path sometimes. Part of the course is about setting up in business and planning for the future when the future seems unknowable still. Still, as nervous as I am, with one foot in today and one in tomorrow, I’m looking forward to my assessment, and the chance to recognise not just how far I’ve come but also the support of others that has helped me along the way.