Focussing in on the small detail
This week I’m continuing with the theme of being present in activities and focussing on small details. This weekend I attended a training day about how we can improve the way we walk and be more aware of habitual movements that may cause us problems.
The training was really interesting, we focussed on the movements through the feet, ankles, knees and hips that are all involved in walking, paying attention to the detail of each movement, however small. By increasing our awareness in this way we begin to realise the habitual movements we do that could cause us problems over time, for example if we favour one side, or are always carrying a bag in a certain way.
In classes, and in my work at a respiratory charity, I talk quite a lot about how we take breathing for granted - it’s automatic, we don’t need to think about how we breathing or really pay any attention at all until there’s a problem and we notice it, we suddenly become aware of our breathing. Through yoga, we can become more aware of our breathing, and work with the breath to help the body and mind.
I’ve been thinking since the training that there’s a parallel with paying attention to how we walk.
We know the body’s connected, and a problem in one area may refer somewhere else. Small movements can also release tension though, and by improving our awareness of how we walk and changing our habitual movements, we can improve the way the body functions, building in strength and flexibility and ward off future niggles and injuries.
Little movements can make a big difference, it’s all about how aware we are.