How do you wind down?
When life gets busy (and let’s face it, when is it not?), it’s so easy to push on through, keep going with task after task, whether that’s for work, home or family, and not stop to rest. It’s got me thinking about how we use our weekends and whether that helps us.
The niyamas series - Ishvara pranidana
The last of the five niyama, Ishvara pranidhana, invites us to surrender. It could be about surrendering to the flow of life. Having the courage to trust that deep down we will find our best path.
The niyamas series - Svadhyaya
A key part of yoga is knowing yourself and understanding how you present yourself to the world. How well do you think you know yourself now?
The niyamas series - Tapas
How do you handle stress? Some people seem to thrive on pressure, others feel like they are crumbling.
The niyamas series - Santosha
The second niyama, santosha, invites us to find contentment. This is something I struggle with. In the West, success tends to be measured by what we achieve and what we have.
The niyamas series - Saucha
Autumn and a change of season give us time for a fresh start. As an aside, I can’t be the only person who still smells the morning autumn air and thinks of a new school term.
Taking time off
I’ve taken time off everything this last week and been away with the family and it’s been a much needed change. When you work part time, it’s easy to think non-work days are enough to rest and recharge but of course they’re not.
Thinking about what to wear…
Practising yoga needn’t break the bank when it comes to the clothes you wear. Generally, you’ll need to be wearing comfortable clothing that you can move in. But what does that actually mean?
Getting started with mats, blocks, bricks and straps
If you’re starting yoga for the first time you may be wondering what on earth are blocks, bricks and straps and how expensive props might be.
An elephant safari
This weekend I went on an elephant safari in central London. Yes, really! I went to see the CoExistence exhibition in St James’ Park and Green Park, which was developed to highlight how we can coexist with animals across the planet by telling the stories of different elephant herds and their interactions with local people.